Sometimes, we use the phrase of "the right man to his proper place" but when we consider His Royal Highness Prince Mohammad Bin Nayef' occupation of Miniter of Interior's position, we consider that the expression of "the right man to his proper place" is an expression of certainty as his eligibility and competence in regard to his arrival to his distinction in this place which is fit for him are proved through many & various evidences. In many countries in the world, each of skillful people or people of previous knowledge about their merits always arrives to the position of his new responsibility. Prince Mohammad Bin Nayef undertook this responsibility due to distinguished & unique proved competence evidences which are not based on optimism. The past long time that he spent in Ministry of Interior as a second man proved that he has been a man of tough capabilities where he provided his responsibilities with all of his presence concerns that exceeded the routine presence and showed his special distinction. This reality is supported by the fact of that he did not practice such responsibility during normal conditions but during times in which his country has been, and is still, targeted in a vicious and criminal way for undermining its security abilities and transforming it to a community of fear and contradictions. Mohammad Bin Nayef led such trends to failure and, personally, stood tall through his wise opinion, follow up and competent presence before those past trends which had been adopting criminality as a policy. This proves that the Kingdom has been targeted through organized destructive plans in various areas. However, the brave man gave all of his time for facing such conditions. In addition to providing his practical time, his skillful administration and follow up represented the best, masterful & competent deterrence in our own country and in our whole Arab world, at the same time. Prince Mohammad Bin Nayef's special presence had not been through a practical supporter due to that he had been a man of creativity whose presence in the remote borders areas which are far from each other in the North, South & East had been the biggest deterrent against the tries of committing the crimes, smuggling the drugs or sneaking for seducing or fooling the young men. Let's consider the internal part after the glance we had at the borders. We realize now that Al-Qaeda framework has started its tries of intervention and committing various crimes as if it is an international commissioner where its' numerous attempts had no match in any Arab or international country. However, the follow up, the eligible awareness and the competent practice led such criminal intentions to failure. Ministries of Interior in the third world, in general, and the Arab World, in particular, have been always looked at as powers that represent arbitrariness which do not differentiate between the actual defendant and the suspected one and do not try to spread awareness about such risks. However, the behavior of Prince Mohammad was contrary to this as it has been dealing (with such cases) through long-term objective awareness. Criminality's hatred and malice because of its failure led it towards trying to destroy Ministry of Interior and (trying to) assault His Highness Prince Mohammad Bin Nayef but what have been destroyed, in fact, was no more than the criminal assaulting means & tools. Our historical skillful security man, the departed Prince Nayef Bin Abdul Aziz, had established the strict and objective existence of his ministry. Our contentment increases when the thought of awareness and competence continues through the presence of Prince Mohammad Bin Nayef, May God Preserve him and increase the distinguished features he's got.