1. What is L'Oréal's long-term vision for growth and expansion in the region, considering evolving market dynamics and consumer behaviours?
The region is a strategic growth market, driven by a young, digitally savvy population and evolving consumer (...)
JEDDAH — The tournament, called Team-of-6 Tennis Tournament is under way at the DPWorld housing accommodation inside Jeddah Port compound since last Aug. 11 and will run up to Oct. 11, 2019 in a format of 6-member team playing out 3 doubles in a (...)
JEDDAH — In a fitting ceremony to celebrate the 121st Philippine Independence Day celebration on June 12, 2019, the DPWorld Tennis Club formally closed out the team tennis tournament that they organized and held at the company's accommodation camp (...)
كشف الرئيس التنفيذي للمركز الوطني للتمور في المملكة الدكتور محمد النويران ل«عكاظ» أن العمل يجري لإنشاء نظام إلكتروني للتداول التجاري للتمور قريبا، مع ربط مخازن التمور المستوفاة للشروط والمواصفات بالمملكة، وخارجها بشركات الشحن والنقل المحلي والعالمي. (...)
JEDDAH — Team SL grabbed the daylight out of Team LB in their exciting battle for the crown in the recently-concluded Samahang Pinoy Tennis Club Shampionship at the King Abdulaziz Sports Complex here. Already in the brink at 1-2 sets behind, Team SL (...)
JEDDAH — Determined to gain the 2nd and last available slot for the final, Team SL tore apart the Team CC's challenge during their concluding match last at the Abdulaziz University Sports Complex here. Eventually it unlocked a 3-way tie and paved (...)
JEDDAH — Calling themselves Crazy Cupids in the ongoing SPTC In-house Tournament, this team went out of its way and freed itself from outright elimination after a 4-1 sets win over Team HT at the Abdulaziz University sports complex in this (...)
JEDDAH — Team LB cruised to its second team victory in as many outings after overpowering Team SL in the ongoing ValenTennis-2017 being conducted by Samahang Pinoy Tennis Club (SPTC) at the Abdulaziz University sports complex here recently. The win (...)
JEDDAH — The Samahang Pinoy Tennis club awarded Marlon Pagsanjan and Mario Betorio as the tournament's Best Doubles pair during an awarding ceremony held at the Al-Qatan Tourism Village, South of Jeddah, recently.
Families and friends of SPTC (...)
JEDDAH — Team Black knocked off its rival Team White in the final stage of the round 3 of the Beat the Heat Tennis Tournament at the King Abdulaziz University Sports Complex recently to complete its comeback trail from 52-54 total points deficit (...)
AT an exclusive event in Beirut, Lebanon, Infiniti Middle East took the covers of the hotly anticipated all-new Infiniti Q30. The Infiniti Q30 active compact is a new type of premium vehicle for a new type of consumer. Representing Infiniti's first (...)
JEDDAH — Team Black survived from dropping deeper into a sinkhole by coming out fighting to the last point of every set in the six (6) doubles match-ups making it to 1st phase of the 3rd round of the "Beat the Heat" Tennis Tournament at King (...)
JEDDAH — Team Black's Fred Masangkay and Boy Isuga jumpstarted the 2nd round of Category B2+ match with wide margin, 8-1, against Team White's Norwin Catipay and Celso Abella recently in the "Beat the Heat" Tennis Tournament being organized by (...)
JEDDAH — Marlon Pagsanjan and Mario Betorio helped Team White pull down Team Black with a barrage of searing under-spin shots and stonewall blocking shots against Cizzner Carascal/Roman Alcantara in Category B2 battle.
Playing in the 3rd doubles of (...)
JEDDAH — The stage is set to roll on this year's Summer Tennis Tournament, organized and managed by the Samahang Pinoy Tennis Club (SPTC) of Jeddah, at the sports complex of King Abdulaziz University Friday.
SPTC has set its main objective for this (...)
JEDDAH — It was a fitting send-off tournament by the Samahang Pinoy Tennis Club (SPTC), as it hosted one more match-up for its former chairman, Cesar Pabico, before seeing him take leave last weekend from its regular weekend playground, the tennis (...)
وجّه صاحب السمو الملكي اﻻمير خالد بن بندر بن عبدالعزيز -أمير منطقة الرياض- بعمل مجلس إلكتروني يحاكي المجلس القائم لتقديم الطلبات والشكاوى والملاحظات وكذلك المقترحات في سبيل راحة المواطن والمقيم.
وبيّن حساب الإمارة عبر “تويتر” أن ذلك يأتي حرصاً من (...)
جرى إبلاغ الأستراليين الذين مازالوا في مسار حرائق الغابات على بعد 140 كيلومترا غرب سيدني اليوم السبت بأنه فات الأوان لإجلائهم ويتعين أن يتخذوا المأوى الذي يمكنهم العثور عليه.
وفقدت منطقة ليثجو عند سفح الجبال الزرقاء في جنوب شرق المنطقة نحو 200 منزل (...)
Team Green affirmed its dominance over Team Red, frustrating its arch-rival for the second time in the course of the tournament, this time with the championship at stake during their NCB Summer Tennis title game at the NCB Sports Compound here last (...)
Bahraini economy is expected to recover, and that it will grow this year, Kuwait Finance House (KFH)-Research said in a report Wednesday.
The report forecast Bahrain's real GDP growth at 3.5 percent y-o-y in 2012 compared with 2.2 percent y-o-y in (...)
Teams Red and Green roared to a flying start to open the NCB 2012 Summer Tennis Tournament at the NCB Sports Compound here.
While Team Red prevailed over Team Blue 2 sets to 1 (16 points all), Team Green dumping Team Orange at 2-0 (16-8 (...)
What is the last verse revealed in the Holy Qur'an? Some says it's Verse 281 of Surah Baqra while others say its Surah Al-Nasr.
A - The last verse revealed in the Qur'an is verse 281 of Surah Al-Baqra (the second Surah in the Qur'an), while Surah (...)
year old girl, who was my neighbor and also my daughter's classmate and friend, died due to some illness. Can you please explain in detail if can I perform Umrah on her behalf, even though she is just a family friend and is not related to me or my (...)
كشف استطلاع للرأي أجرته "الرياض" مؤخرا تذمر الكثير من المواطنين من سوء تنفيذ مشاريع الطرق داخل المدن.فوفقا للتصويت الذي نشرته الجريدة على مدى الأسبوع الماضي، عبر موقع "الرياض" الالكتروني، أكد أكثر من 92% من زوار الموقع أنهم"غير راضين على الإطلاق"عن (...)
أحمد :
للبيع فورد اكسبيديشن موديل 97 سعودي بدون دبل باسمي من الوكالة بحالة ممتازة
فيه سمكرة في اسفل الجهة اليمين على البابين
مركب ماكينة شد بلد مستعملة بس ممتازة
اللون عنابي من الداخل رصاصي فاتح نظيف جدا محافظ عليه
الفرش الارضي (...)