The second annual meeting of the World Corrosion Organization (WCO) was held in this U.S. city recently, in conjunction with the annual National Association of Corrosion Engineers Conference and Exhibition. Ghadyer A. Al-Shammari, general supervisor of the Abqaiq Plants Operations Engineering Division, represented the Saudi Council of Engineers (SCE) at the meeting. SCE is a general member and also a member of the Board of Administrators of the WCO and represented Saudi Arabia. SCE was elected to the Board of Administrators for its third consecutive term. The organization proposed 24 April each year as World Corrosion Awareness Day, according to a press release of Saudi Aramco. The WCO is a nonprofit organization based in New York. It is applying for accreditation by the United Nations as a nongovernmental organization. Its mission is to promote education and best practices in corrosion control for the benefit of society, preservation of resources and protection of the environment.