More than 7,000 foreign tourists, mostly Europeans, were still missing after the Indian Ocean tsunami hit coasts and devastated beach resorts. Here is a factbox with the number of foreign tourists reported killed or missing in the disaster, based on statistics provided by the countries listed. It does not incorporate figures provided by Thai officials who say at least 2,402 foreigners have been killed there: COUNTRY DEATHS MISSING Austria 6 490 Australia 12 107 Belgium 6 215 Brazil 2 Britain 40 Canada 5 150 China 1 7 Croatia 1 9 Czech Republic 1 90 Denmark 7 91 Finland 15 186 France* 22 99 Germany 60 1,000 Greece 9 Hong Kong 4 109 Hungary 20 Iceland 11 Ireland 20 Israel 3 7 Italy 18 660 Japan 20 Luxembourg 11 Malta 1 Mexico 15 Netherlands 6 30 New Zealand 1 302 Norway 21 462 Poland 4 43 Portugal 8 Russia 1 Singapore 9 13 South Africa 5 11 South Korea 10 10 Spain 11 Sweden 52 2,915 Switzerland 16 95 Taiwan 1 Turkey 53 United States 15 === === TOTALS: 364 7,260