Some 7,500 foreign tourists are dead, missing or unaccounted for after the Dec. 26 Indian Ocean tsunami. Those listed as "missing" are people who were in areas hit by the tsunami. Those "unaccounted for" had been travelling somewhere in the countries hit by the tsunami. The following are figures provided by the countries and regions affected. ORIGIN DEATHS KNOWN MISSING UNACCOUNTED FOR Germany 60 716 250 Sweden 52 637 1,201 Britain 50 391 United States 37 Japan 23 247 Switzerland 23 105 300 France 22 90 560 Italy 20 338 Australia 15 46 303 Norway 13 78 South Korea 12 8 Austria 10 257 147 Hong Kong 10 58 South Africa 10 6 367 Singapore 8 16 15 Denmark 7 57 Netherlands 7 30 80 Belgium 6 65 250 Canada 5 146 Israel 4 7 China 3 15 Taiwan 3 Russia 2 8 Argentina 2 1 3 Brazil 2 New Zealand 2 4 50 Croatia 1 1 Czech Republic 1 7 8 Finland 1 176 Ireland 1 3 6 Mexico 1 15 Poland 1 19 Turkey 1 10 Greece 9 Hungary 10 Iceland 11 Luxembourg 2 Portugal 8 Spain 3 === === ==== TOTALS: 415 3,343 3,797