An official source of forces of Coalition for Supporting the legitimacy in Yemen stated that the Arab coalition handed over yesterday 27 misled children arrested during military confrontations with Houthi coup militias in a number of battle fronts on the border of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the representative of the legitimate government of Yemen. The source pointed out that Iran's Houthi coup militias are forcing Yemeni children and youths, misleading and pushing them to the fronts of fighting in order to continue their losing battle and failed operations. The handover ceremony was carried out at Sharourah Force Command in presence of a number of Coalition Forces representatives, the participation of representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross, the representative of Saudi Red Crescent Authority, the head of Child Protection Unit in Armed Conflict, the representative of the legitimate government and the representative of Saudi Human Rights Commission. Each child was given a sum of money as a gift from Joint Forces Command of Renewal of Hope Operations, while Sharourah Force Command presented symbolic gifts to them. They were transported by buses to Marib.