Brig. Gen. Ahmed bin Hasan Asiri, consultant in the defense minister's office and spokesman of the coalition forces, said that Air Force's operations continued following the movements of the Houthi militias on the ground, disrupting their movement and attacking the bases and sites that were dug in, indicating that the results are being felt on the ground. During the daily press briefing at Riyadh airbase, which he held today, Asiri said during the last twenty four hours, the Air Force carried out more than a hundred sorties, reaching 106 sorties during the past twenty four hours, pointing out that their aim was to continue pressure on the Houthi militia elements, camps and ammunition assembly points and at the same time assert the achievement of the full objectives that have already been set for the air campaign. He indicated that during the past twenty four hours, the work focused on Saada region, Sanaa, its outskirts, ammunition depots located there and locations of ballistic weapons storage; they also targeted Aland area where there was support for the operations of the People's Committees on the ground, pointing out that Taiz still needs a lot of work to support the work of brigade 35 against the Houthi militias that are carrying out acts of sabotage. --More 22:24 LOCAL TIME 19:24 GMT تغريد