Japan's benchmark Nikkei 225 Stock Average rose strongly Monday as sentiment was bolstered by the yen's decline and stronger-than-expected Chinese manufacturing data, dpa reported. The Nikkei gained 303.54 points, or 2.07 per cent, to end at 14,935.92 while the broader-based Topix index was up 19.06 points, or 1.59 per cent, at 1,220.47. China's manufacturing expanded at the quickest pace in five months, the monthly index rising to 50.8 in May for the third consecutive increase, the National Bureau of Statistics and the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing said Sunday. In Tokyo, on currency markets at 3 pm (0600 GMT), the dollar traded at 101.95-97 yen, up from Friday's 5 pm quote of 101.63-64 yen. The euro was quoted at 139.01-03 yen, up from 138.34-35 yen late Friday, and at 1.3634-3635 dollars, up from 1.3612-3613 dollars. A weaker yen makes Japanese exports more competitive and improves repatriated revenues.