Japanese shares bounced back Friday as market sentiment was buoyed by a weaker yen and overnight gains on Wall Street and European bourses. The benchmark Nikkei 225 Stock Average gained 307.29 points, or 2.17 per cent, to end at 14,462.41 after falling 0.18 per cent on Thursday. The broader-based Topix index was up 26.77 points, or 2.3 per cent, at 1189.14. For the week, the Nikkei declined 3.03 per cent and the Topix was down 2.58 per cent, dpa reported. Exporters traded broadly higher as the yen fell against the dollar and the euro. A weaker yen makes Japanese goods more competitive overseas and improves repatriated revenues. On currency markets at 3 pm (0600 GMT), the dollar traded at 102.06-07 yen, up from Thursday's 5 pm quote of 101.49-50 yen. The euro was quoted at 138.66-67 yen, up from 137.27-31 yen late Thursday, and at 1.3584-3587 dollars, up from 1.3525-3526 dollars.