Japanese shares surged on Wednesday with export-linked issues buoyed by the yen's decline amid receding concerns over the US economy, dpa reported. The benchmark Nikkei 225 Stock Average gained 386.33, or 2.5 per cent, to end at 15,808.73 after falling 3 per cent on Tuesday. The broader-based Topix index was up 25.44 points, or 2 per cent, at 1,294.52. On currency markets at 3 pm (0600 GMT), the dollar traded at 104.42-44 yen, up from Tuesday's 5 pm quote of 103.44-47 yen. The euro was quoted at 142.39-40 yen, up from 141.31-34 yen late Tuesday and at 1.3633-3635 dollars, down from 1.3659-3660 dollars. A weaker yen makes Japanese goods more competitive overseas and improves repatriated revenues.