MUMBAI — Salman Khan is completely in awe of "Sholay" 3D, brainchild of Sacha, grandson of G P Sippy, which hit theaters Friday. Director Ramesh Sippy had pulled a casting coup for "Sholay," which featured big names like Amitabh Bachchan, Dharmendra, Sanjeev Kumar, Amjad Khan, Hema Malini and Jaya Bachchan, NDTV reported. khan, whose father Salim Khan co-scripted it with Javed Akhtar, tweeted: "Sholay - the dada of all movies. Go and see it, Amitji, Dharamji, Sanjeev Kumar, Hemaji, Amjad Khan, Jayaji, Aasraniji and Jagdeepji are superb." The 48-year-old superstar said: "It's a cult film, experience it, it's a journey. The way the film is written, directed and produced 30 plus years ago. Seriously, never seen a better performed, directed, written, photographed, produced, acted, edited, background score, cameo roles are toh standing." — SG