Bollywood's original dream girl Hema Malini, 63, is a huge fan of Hollywood star Meryl Streep. The successful Bollywood star of the‘70s and ‘80s believes that she's not as lucky as Streep. “I consider myself lucky, but she's luckier than me. I watch all her films and I feel, ‘why can't they make films like these in Bollywood?' But I suppose, they have to Indianise a lot, such films may not work in Bollywood,” Gulf News quoted Malini, who was referring specifically to the iconic, illicit romance The Bridges Of Madison County, as saying. “Those ideas are too Western. I'd love to do a Bridges of Madison County. But opposite me also, there should be a big hero — bigger than me. Except Bachchan there's nobody else. I wish many other out there like Jitendra, Rajesh Khanna — all would be out. Where are they?” added Malini.