MUMBAI — Priyanka Chopra, whose look in the song “Babli Badmaash” resembles that of Amitabh Bachchan's disco number from “Yaarana,” said that song is an ode to the megastar. Chopra is seen sporting an edgy costume of rubber and leather studded with LED lights loosely resembling the jacket worn by Bachchan for the popular song “Saara Zamana” from the 1981 blockbuster, in Sanjay Gupta's upcoming film “Shootout At Wadala.” “I have acted in three remake films (Don, Agneepath and Zanjeer) of Amitabh Bachchan. I am big fan of him. Unfortunately, I couldn't play his role. So it is my ode to him through this song,” said Chopra. The retro track is composed by Anu Malik, sung by Sunidhi Chauhan and choreographed by Ahmed Khan, reported. — SG