MUMBAI — Amitabh Bachchan and Sridevi may come together for the sequel of their film “Khuda Gawah.” Producer Manoj Desai said that the script is underway. “We are working on the script so we can't reveal about the story line.” “It (film) was one of the most loved films and we thought of bringing it back. We have given a one liner brief idea to Mr Bachchan. We have got a positive feedback from him. Once the script is complete we will meet him again and approach him for this film.” Once Bachchan approves of the sequel, then the producers will go and talk to Sridevi as well about the film. The film will also star actors from the new crop. Shot in India and Afghanistan, “Khuda Gawah” was one of the biggest grossers of 1992 in both the countries, NDTV reported. If all goes well, the sequel might go on floors next year. — SG