JEDDAH — Deccan NRIs group, which has taken up causes and issues of the community here, gathered for their monthly meeting and reshuffled their organizational positions with a new president and general secretory here recently. President Deccan NRIs group Syed Abdul Qadeer Khalid addressed the meeting and announced that he had served Deccan NRIs group and many other organization for 11years now but because of poor health now he wanted to quit all posts in the groups. He expressed his hope that group members will continue to work for the noble cause by providing services to better others' lives. Khalid, who is going to move to India, aims to serve the community from his home in Hyderabad. Group members commended him for his dedicated services and made him as chairman of the group while Mohd Abdulrazzak former general secretary was appointed as the new president and Syed Mairaj the new general secretory. Speaking on the occasion, Abdulrazzak said "Syed Abdul Qadeer Khalid served the community with enthusiasm, and his eleven years of service saprked a passion in youth to serve the community with fervor." He aims to continue to supply food package to widows and orphans, Ramadan food package and financial aid to help poor girls marry. He also hopes to make 2017 to be academic year for their group, as they will start evening classes for deprived children. Mairaj also aims to serve community whole-heartedly with the guidance and help of Mohd Abdulrazzak. Vice president of the group Mohd Ghayassuddin expressed his sorrow on Syed Abdul Qadeer Khalid's migration, adding, "But I know he will serve community wherever he lives." Deccan NRIs group recently helped 14 orphan girls, financially in their marriage function, supplied food package to needy families and cancer patient in their community service effort." Earlier the program started with the recitation of some verses from the Holy Qur'an by Mohd Suhail, while it concluded with a vote thanks proposed by Ghayassuddin.