Pakistan International School Jeddah (PISJ Rehab) held the graduation ceremony for Year 13 students Wednesday at the school's premises. Hameed A. Opeloyeru, Assistant Secretary General at the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) for Economic Affairs and Tarek Mishkhas, Managing Editor of Urdu News, were the guests of honor. Link Officer Qamar Siddique Raja also graced the occasion. “The glorious results of the students; their top rankings and achievements in the Cambridge University board exams have brought pride, not only to the school, students and their parents, but also to our beloved country,” said Kamran. “Today we are here to honor the contributions of our graduates of 2011. In your own way, each and every one of you has enriched this institution and you should celebrate your success. But, this is the beginning of your journey; this is not the end, so don't stop learning.” Kamran stressed that students should not forget their obligation towards their country when they think about their career and future goals. She added that students should have a broad vision that will give their life more meaning and purpose. At the ceremony, the students were presented with special awards in different categories, such as the “most progressed student of the year”, “academic student of the year”, “good fellowship and student of the year”, which were followed by the awards for top achievers and “outstanding achievement”. Adeel Khan Durrani and Aisha Tariq were awarded as “Student of the Year”. Khan shared his views with the audience and said that parents are here not to witness the departure of their children but a start of their new journey, “There is no structured method or a map, we have to shape our future ourselves and draw our own map. We are bound to take hold of our own destiny,” he remarked. Tariq made similar remarks. “We are privileged to attend this institution, where everyone is committed to excellence in education. Our teachers have supported us in the quest of knowledge. Today is the day to acknowledge our accomplishments. Dare to chase and choose your career,” she said. Hameed A. Opeloyero also congratulated the graduate students, their parents and teachers and said that the students have worked tirelessly and brought glory not only to the Muslim Ummah but also to their homeland Pakistan. Opeloyero also appreciated the hard work done by Sehar Kamran for ensuring that the institute maintains a good academic standard. “Pakistan is an excellent showcase of education, especially in the field of science and technology. The school represents excellence which Pakistan epitomizes,” he remarked.