Obhur Police arrested a man who locked his wife and kids inside a room and refused to let them out. The wife called police who rushed to the scene and freed the family and arrested the husband who was alleged to be in a questionable mental state. (...)
Saudis are increasingly buying goods and services on installments to counter rising prices, but this part of the market needs to be regulated to protect and outline the rights of consumers, traders and banks.
This is according to a report released (...)
The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (the Hai'a), is to set up a unified call and complaint center. Citizens who want to bring an incident of suspected vice to the attention of the Hai'a will be able to report the matter (...)
The new chief of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (the Hai'a) has said that non-Hai'a volunteers will no longer be allowed to serve in the force.
“We thank all members who cooperated with the Hai'a for their (...)
Eastern Province recruitment officials will have discussions Monday with their Ethiopian and Kenyan counterparts to clear the backlog of housemaid recruitment applications, which have delayed the arrival of these African workers.
Hussein (...)
Officials from 70 national recruitment offices in the Eastern Province met Saturday to discuss plans for unified recruitment companies to replace recruitment offices.
The plans include establishing five recruitment companies throughout the Kingdom, (...)
Sources have said that “large amounts” of water have appeared at the surface of the construction waste material pit in Al-'Asla Valley despite authorities pumping out 45,000 cubic meters of water a day from the nearby Misk sewage reservoir to (...)
The Travel and Tourism Offices Committee of the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI) has contacted the concerned officials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to discuss solving the problems facing Saudi nationals in obtaining entry visas (...)
A man who accuses members of the Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice of harassing his wife has had his case passed by police to the Emir's office.
The man, known only as F. Al-Enizi, accused two Hai'a members at their Eastern (...)