Creative Chaos is a wrong term which suits the American propositions only as chaos is destructive and not creative except for conflicts, wars and murder of the human soul occurred between he who has the ability of spreading the chaos and the nation which is living it and being burnt by its fire. It may be that applying such chaos in the Arab region has been positive for those who stir it and have put its first dots on our map. Iraq had lived the illusion thought to be the alternative of dictatorship under American transitional guardian governance which has been supposed to move it to democracy, development and the coexistence of the minorities with the majority but the alternative has come to circulate the racial and religious splits, spread the corruption and cause lack of security in a country that had witnessed prosperity that had not been witnessed by most Arab countries during the pre-coops stage. Due to that Iraq, with some other central Arab countries, represent the Arabs major power; the intentions of spreading the chaos had started with Abdul karim Qasim, the first leader who established the lynching, barbaric trials and enlarging the leader's image through providing it with certain holiness. Thus, the matter had ended with a more barbaric dictator who had been more ignorant in regard to ruling the state when the United States prepared Al-Maliki for being the subjective alternative for spreading the shredding of Iraq. It has even become apparent to his own sect that he has been trying to put in the position of the highest authority as it has started to consider him a model for the vandal tyrant. The similar condition to what had happened in Iraq occurred in Libya too as each of the two countries had been invaded by joint forces. The downfall of Gaddafi had been the end of the ruling of a man who has got no relation with rationality due to the insanity marks represented by his behavior. One of Gaddafi's unbalanced behaviors has been asking the African leaders for nominating him as "King of African Kings" which represented a case of a person that should have been in a mental institution rather than in a republican palace. After the departure of Gaddafi, the alternative has been that Libya has become without a government or parties where the alternative has become divergent forces that owned the army's armory and led Libya towards becoming subject to tribal and sectarian conflicts encouraged by the invading countries. Meanwhile, the neighboring countries have been suffering the loss of control over arms and smuggling them to some terrorist groups. The destructive chaos has been planned for to start in the Arab region. The revolutions success illusion in the countries which had no alternative regime helped in the spread of such destructive chaos as the dictatorships that had been overthrown have formed a regime that suits them and serves their long term purposes or objectives. In this regard, government parties have started to establish fake parliaments and ministries based on harmony of interests. That's why we have witnessed what has been worse than the dictator through the establishment of groups that have transformed those countries to a long chain of alliances between groups that agree or disagree according the requirements of the emerging circumstances. At this point, the role of the secret motivator has come through abusing the conflicting circumstances for destroying the internal base under various names. After the end of the conflict between the East and West due to the sole power domination after the dramatic end of the Soviet Union, the new war between them led to creating the seed of conflict in Libya when Russia fooled its ally Gaddafi and ignored that the Western troops had entered his country and overthrew him. For compensating the defeat, the Syrian condition has come to force Russia to apply its political and military power through supporting Al-Assad's regime. Russia has managed to achieve a success that returned its international prestige to itself. However, the West that has been along its history creating an enemy and investing its existence in stirring the Western and American communities has recalled the image of the Russian bear in the form of the greedy power aiming at expanding its geographic area through Ukraine. Each of the conflict two parties wants this country to be the battle field but the Western alternatives, in this regard, have been no more than limited financial support accompanied with boycotting Russia. However, Russia has pressure tools through its material and political means. It is even strange to recognize the agreement between the capitalism dominated by the Jews in Ukraine with the holders of the Nazi slogans. In spite of that the battle is still in its early stages, it represents a apart of an international competition which title is the destructive chaos through means prepared immediately for each occasion, whether for the Arabs or for other than them.