Where to is the Libyan ship heading among an overwhelming chaos and sharp disagreements that preceded the parliament elections while the government, its army and police are unable to control the conflicts seeds that started to rise from the provinces in regard to their representation percentages, in addition to the tribal conflict and the rise of an Islamic trend which is seeking to obtain the power in regard to its representation and coming role?! Libya was federal during the royal era where stability, development and moderate ruling represented the most prominent aspects of the Libyan regime at that time. However, in spite of merging all the provinces in one country, the dictatorship of Gaddafi changed Libya to a country from the fifth world in world's general ranking. In spite of the success of the Libyan revolution which was led to such success by the support of NATO; The environment or conditions left by Gaddafi started to expose the content of a country dominated by illiteracy and retardation. Thus, the conflicts increased and a risky way that may lead them to burst in many provinces. There are some prominent landmarks for the said assumption such as closing some oil harbors by the military force of some militias and the rise of requests that the state may not be able to fulfill as long as its presence is not stable in regard to running the state and its political, economic and security issues. Accordingly; all the complications are still existed. The Interim Council is facing the dilemmas of the elections, the constitution drafting, the protesting cases and the conflicts disorder. If an agreement is not going to be established among the conflicting parties; provinces governments may be declared and Libya may be divided to many states while the public choice of federalism may be the outlet of the worst scenario. Libya is rich and its richness is not limited to oil only but is represented by other natural wealth in its provinces which are not discovered yet. However, the present reality is that a sector of the citizens has reached a critical level of poverty and may constitute the motivator for the condition of disorder. On the other hand, Libya's vast borders with many countries, its conflict with some of them and the geographic interest / greed that some of them have may participate in destabilizing the present condition, in light of the weakness of the military and security bodies. The Libyan condition is confusing and dangerous at the same time. The external countries which are seeking oil, commercial deals and participation in the Libya's reconstruction bids are still having their precautions and fears while Libya's neighboring Arab countries can not affect the internal condition but feel worried in regard to any negative aspects that may burst the conditions and reflect negatively on them. In spite of their difficulty, the outlets or solutions are numerous, such as inviting all the public parties to a national meeting during which all the critical cases that constitute the source of disagreement shall be presented, discussed and then applied through various operations. If the elections are going to be held in unsafe and uncontrolled conditions; their success will not be easy at all. Many cases are waiting Libya of which the most important is security. If security is not given the basic priority in the minds of the officials concerned by the Libyan condition; the alternative shall be the worst. Concentrating on the elections only without a transitional stage requires drawing the policies, plans and crossing towards the safe side. Libya may be involved deeply in post-revolution problem. It's a case which solutions are internal only, even if it is being watched by the world.