It is difficult to make a comparison between the advanced and retarded countries. This difficulty is not in the fields of sciences, economy & public rights only; but is related, too, to exceeding their history of fights, whether due to the racing for obtaining the world wealth and markets or to the religious and nationalist / ethnic wars. Thus, the present laws have not been established before long years of conflicts. The third war cannot be, for sure, classified among the same grade. If we consider that colonialism departed from the door and returned from the window for practicing economical and political control; the real logic refuses such theory. This refusal is not due to the purity if the said colonialist countries or their attempt to develop the retarded world and help it but due to that a lot of retardation hypothesis had been born in the cores of the third world regimes. The present disagreement is not about obtaining dependence from colonialism as after colonialism conflict emerged through the rise of dictatorships that played a role in meeting the demands of the advanced world and becoming subordinate to it. Within the reign of such dictatorships, extremist members rose and hostile ideas emerged in the minds of conflict two parties. The United States & Europe, for sure, were on the top of the targets planned for by the extremists. Such extremists were not branches for Al-Qaeda or any similar organization. They emerged due to an accumulation of crises, wars & rooted hostility between nations that deserve life and others that do not deserve it. The Palestinian cause represented the core of such conflict that heated the hostile feelings, in addition to invading Iraq & Afghanistan where whatever Islamic had been underestimated to the extent that abusing the feelings of more than a billion Muslims was deliberate and led the Arab Spring countries to becoming of an Islamic direction and trend. This was not compatible with the opposing thought that tried to put obstacles in front of the growth of this trend or in front of its rise to the level of high leadership. However, behind such Islamic trend; there were the Arab crowds who have been supporting it, raising the slogans of independent decision and dealing with any major or minor power through reciprocity. The present argue opens the way for the policies of rapprochement and closing the conflict gaps through religions, cultures & civilizations dialogues. This is an essential point for protecting the rights of all parties but is it possible to sign conventions for respecting the religions and avoid provoking their believers such as putting them among constitutions provisions and setting standards which do not consider that freedom is over people's laws and feelings. After that, the next point shall be the dialogue of cultures that may represent a bridge for crossing the historical rupture occurred due to counterfeiting people heritage or underestimating them. Thus, culture can be considered the logic of convergence and coexistence between the various nations. Dialogue between civilizations start through confessing that each nation has a religion and a civilization that represent it, due to that the event that started with the discovery of fire and kept developing until reaching space invasion has been established and built on a human achievement which is not limited to a certain nation or a certain historical stage. It is the discoveries result of those who drew the lines of the whole human development since the writing of history. If the dialogue kept revolving around nothingness where the one who is victorious due to his culture and present achievements believes that other nations should be subordinate to them; any dialogue or rapprochement shall lose its value as nations still have their dignity, regardless of divergent policies, development & retardation. At this point, dialogue may not be feasible.