Politics sometimes competes with fashion and moves from one trend to another. Just like fashion moves from miniskirts to maxi skirts (I remember one phase that saw the fad of mid length skirts), politics also follows a similar trend. Today, I will be discussing the American politics that we are now enduring despite the presence of a moderate president, Barack Obama. The trend of American "exceptionalism" prevailed for years during which America appointed itself as the world's policeman and interfered in faraway countries like Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Latin America. The USA and the world paid the price for American interference in our countries through hundreds of thousands of dead victims and a fiscal crisis. In addition, the American public opinion retreated while the evil war gang including the Israeli lobby and the pro-Likud Americans planned a war against the Iranian nuclear program and the destruction of whatever is still standing in Syria. The representatives of the Israeli gang have now started to warn against the threat of the new American "isolationism". They are referring to the history of World War I and II in order to learn some lessons. I believe that these are purely Israeli lessons. Thus, the current political trend leans towards isolationism. However, there are moderate writers, and writers who are not affected by the Israeli control, who wrote against the accusation of isolationism, including the following: - "American Isolationism: Nothing More Than a Myth" by Andrew Bacevich - "Syria: It Wasn't Isolationism" by John Mueller - "Isolationism Revisited, the Tea Party and American Leadership in the World," in the Huffington Post - "America's new isolationism (+video)" in the Christian Science Monitor. On the other hand, Jackson Diehl, the Deputy Editorial Page Editor of The Washington Post wrote a piece titled, "Foreign Policy Based on Fantasy." In this piece, Diehl mixed things up and kept on mentioning the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia concomitantly with Israel. He concluded by demanding a military intervention against Syria and Iran. Diehl had previously written a column about Egypt where he mentioned Ayman Nour and Mohammad al-Baradei. I have known these two ever since Ayman was the director of Al-Hayat bureau in Cairo and Dr. Al-Baradei was the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna. I will hereby be referring to pro-Israeli writers. Bill Keller of the New York Times wrote a piece titled "Our New Isolationism" which went back to 1940 and Hitler and concluded by asking the Congress to pressure the president into issuing a statement about "our vital interests in Syria," meaning the Israeli interest in destroying Syria on the heads of its people. As for Miss Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post, she attacked the isolationists in an article titled, "Where isolationism leads" where she argued that the isolationists are allowing America's allies to turn into sitting ducks. By allies, she meant Israel, the country that ruined America's reputation in our region and the entire world. Roger Cohen of the New York Times tried to hide his pro-Israel tendencies in his latest piece titled "An Anchorless World" where he mourned the absence of an American role although he did quote an opinion poll indicating that one third of the Americans do not want their country to play any part in foreign conflicts. The most despicable of them all is Norman Podhoretz, an anti Arab and Muslims warmonger. In his latest piece on Obama's failed foreign politics, Podhoretz quoted none other than Conrad Black, the former publisher of the Telegraph group who robbed his company, got convicted and jailed. Podhoretz was among the first persons who called for halting aid to Egypt under the pretext that the Egyptian army is killing the supporters of Mohamed Morsi. He however failed to see that the supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood are practicing terrorism in Cairo, Alexandria, Upper Egypt and Sinai. Israel is all he cares about. A day will come where the Egyptian government will abandon its peace treaty with Israel. Let Israel's supporters reap the fruits of their labor where neither exceptionalism nor isolationism will do them any good. [email protected]