Chaaban Abdul Rahim, an Egyptian popular singer, likes Amr Moussa and hates Israel. The entire world hates Israel except for the Congressmen who were bribed by the Israeli lobby. But then again, that would be a business transaction rather than a form of fondness. Every now and then, one can spot several examples of the hostility against Israel by the war and evil gang in the United States, and daily columns are written about this. The American Likudniks usually respond by attacking those who criticize the occupation, the killings, the destruction, and the displacement. American Jewish Writer Jacob Heilbrunns wrote a piece entitled Israel's Fraying Image. In commenting on this piece, former US Ambassador to Al-Riyadh Chass Freeman stated that there are two grim questions concerning Israel: The first is how long Israel can survive as a democracy while it is practicing a rule of force over the non-Jewish people and hindering the peace process. The second question is what difference Israel's increasing international isolation or withering away might make to Americans, including - but not limited to - Jewish Americans. Many articles have also been written about the subject, mostly by Jewish Americans. I will abstain from presenting my own theories about this and I will just provide a few examples from around the world as captured by the America pro-Likud media. The pro-Likud Commentary magazine arrogantly stated that "Anti-Israel Zealotry Threatens Europe", as if Israel was as important as Europe, or even more, while the truth is that the anti-Israel zealotry is merely secluding this country from the rest of the world. The magazine was revolted by the fact that the state-funded French Jeu de Paume Museum exhibited pictures of 68 Palestinian martyrs who fell while confronting the occupation. The article further attacked GMB, one of Britain's largest unions, for barring its members from visiting Israel on any trip organized by Trade Union Friends of Israel, a group that supports cooperation with Israel. Notably, the British union's annual conference voted for this decision, which means that boycotting Israel is a mass phenomenon, and one that is not limited to the union's heads. From France and Britain to Canada, where the famous McGill University awarded an honorary doctorate to Professor Judith Butler, an anti-Israel activist. According to the American pro-Likud media, Butler denounces Israel's arbitrary state violence and state racism and she has supported the world campaign to boycott the Israeli universities. Butler went to the West Bank to demonstrate against the Israeli mistreatment of Palestinian women. She even rejects the existence of the state of Israel along the independent state of Palestine. In the USA, every college there now includes a student organization supporting the Palestinians and calling for boycotting Israel, banning investments there, and imposing sanctions. While alluding to a conference on religions organized by the Islamic Society of North America in California, the pro-Likud media attacked this group for supporting "terrorism," i.e. the movement of national liberation, Hamas. It even went as far as to say that Jewish rabbis and major Christian Churches took part in that meeting and that all those who criticize Israel are actually supporting terrorism. In fact, Israel is the main source of terrorism and the only remaining apartheid state in the world. When they see that the entire world is opposing the extreme violence of the occupation entity and its actions in sabotaging the peace process, what do the supporters of the criminal Israeli entity do? They attack Barack Obama. The pro-Likud writer, David Solway, carried a piece over some evil website under the title: "The Greatest Scandal of Them All" where he claimed that the real scandal is Obama himself. I personally believe that the phone surveillance was a scandal. However, the writer accused the Obama administration of being responsible for the fiscal crisis. This crisis was actually the fault of the neo-conservatives, most of whom are American Likud supporters, who were in power under George W. Bush and who killed one million Arabs and Muslims. Interestingly, Solway did not mention the scandal of the drones that are killing Muslim children along with the terrorists. His piece quoted radical writers and the idiot Sarah Palin to support his point that Obama is a loser and a disaster for the White House. The real disaster is when radical people hijack the American foreign policies and use them to serve Israel's interests alone on the expense of the country that was once a pioneer of civil freedoms in the world. [email protected]