I am writing on Tuesday morning, after I finished reading the English translation of Israeli newspapers, and after I became even more convinced that it is impossible to reach a peace treaty with the government of the fascist war criminals and its extremist parties; these are in fact nothing short of being organized criminal gangs. The Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat (his name is stolen from Arabic), wants to demolish 40 homes in the al-Bustan area in Silwan because they were ‘built illegally'. I say here that all of Israel is illegitimate, as it was established on the lands of the Palestinians, and is therefore not in the position to grant or deny certificates of legitimacy to the Palestinians. The people of al-Bustan are being subjected to tremendous pressures and enticements to leave the area, and I read that a park will be built where their homes stand now, or small hotels. The Vice Mayor David Hadari also said: “Legally speaking, all these buildings are illegal and must be demolished.” Again, I want to stress that legally speaking, Israel is entirely illegal; however, I will not call for its destruction and not even for the killing of anyone even if it is someone from the fascist government's gang. All what I want to say is that an illegitimate entity cannot accuse others of something that it itself embodies. In truth, Israel denies building permits to the legitimate owners of the land, so that if these owners built, Israel can claim that the buildings are illegitimate. There was another news story about the Binyamin Settlers Council, which attacked the Defence Minister Ehud Barak, in the aftermath of the army destroying a synagogue (which was in fact a shack or a tent near a settlement). The council chairman, Itzik Shadmi, said that the Defence Minister “made a racist and non-democratic decision to totally ban construction to Jews only in Judea and Samaria.” He is talking about the West Bank, and the Jews have no right to be there or in any Palestinian land. However, what caught my attention is his absolute Likud-inspired lying, since the settlements have now reached the Jordan River, and the chairman of the Binyamin Settlers Council is talking about a settlement, and then he claims that the Jews alone are banned from building in the West Bank. How can we negotiate with these people? Settlements are all illegal, the occupation is illegal, and Israel itself was established illegally in our countries because the Christian West attempted to atone for its guilt in murdering or being complicit in the murder of six million Jews, by transferring them to Palestine, lest they remind the West every morning of its horrendous crime. I will overlook the most important news story on Tuesday, which was about Benjamin Netanyahu's battle in the Likud's Central commission with Moshe Feiglin. The latter is backed by the settlers of the West Bank and the Golan, or in other words, it was a battle between a rotten politician and someone who is even more rotten. Among the other news stories, I read a commentary regarding the Israel Apartheid Week. The author Ben-Dror Yemini from Ma'ariv called it ‘two weeks of hatred of Israel'; however he does not say that Israel is hated because of its crimes, and that this hatred is now present all over the world, and not just among the Palestinian victims, or Arabs and Muslims. In fact, many Christian churches and university students from Europe and the United States are participating in the Israel Apartheid Week. And when even Jews and Israelis speak at the Israel Apartheid Week, this only proves the truthfulness of the accusations [against Israel]. However, I will content myself with this much for now about this subject, as I shall write a full article on this subject this week. The worst article I read was the one written by Dr. Guy Beshor about the possibilities of a third intifada which concludes that the latter is unlikely - which I do not personally desire at any rate. However, the author criticized us for something that Israel instead suffers from, i.e. crime, corruption and sex scandals. He said: “Horrendous corruption in the Palestinian Authority. Hundreds of millions of dollars have disappeared [...]” Of course, the entire budget of the Palestinian Authority does not exceed hundreds of millions of dollars, and their disappearance would mean that no one received their salaries, nothing was imported, and that the people did not eat. This is while noting that many Israeli Prime Ministers and Ministers are accused of corruption, including Ariel Sharon as far as I remember, Netanyahu in his first government, and even Ehud Olmert and the bully Avigdor Lieberman. The author then accuses the Palestinian Authority of flagrant sex crimes. And I ask here, are these crimes more flagrant than the scandal of Rabbi Mordechai Elon who molested boys and the charges against 12 other rabbis of sexual harassment? Or are they more flagrant than the ‘rapes' committed by President Moshe Katsav or than the first headline in the Israeli newspapers on Tuesday, which was the rape of 13 children and the rape and assault of a thirteen year old girl? One Palestinian harasses a woman, and is not indicted yet, compared to all of those, not to mention that flagrant sex is mentioned several times in their Torah and up until today. I can refute every line and word in the article; however, because of the limited space, I will suffice myself with the writer's reference to ‘12 thousand Palestinian terrorists detained by Israel' to say that these are freedom fighters and heroes, and that it is Israel that is a terrorist state hated by the whole world. I insist that it is impossible to have peace with these criminal extremists, and condemn anyone who supports them along with them. khazen@alhayat.com