Prince Mishaal Bin Majed Bin Abdul-Aziz, Governor of Jeddah, is set to open the first Lab- Medicine conference at the Lecture Hall of King Abdul Aziz Hospital on Monday. Dr Osama Ibrahim Nasif, the Chairman of the Society and Associate Professor at the Pathology Department of the Faculty of Medicine in King Abdul Aziz University, said 49 papers on Lab-Medicine will be presented in the three-day conference which will be attended by about 1,000 researchers from the Kingdom and abroad. The papers will tackle different specializations in Lab- Medicine including histology, medical biochemistry, hematology, blood banks and their components and blood transfusion medicine in addition immunology, serology, medical lab quality, lab-diagnosis for criminal forensic evidence. The conference is associated with a medical show exhibiting the latest laboratory installations and the International Roch Pharmaceutical Company, according to a report published today by Saudi Gazette.