Stocks erased early losses Tuesday, helped by the tech sector, but remained mostly lower as Wall Street remained focused on lower energy prices and corporate earnings. U.S. light crude oil prices for February delivery recovered most of its early losses and was 45 cents lower at $55.64. Oil prices have been tumbling for the last week in response to unusually warm Northeast weather and bets that large hedge funds are cutting their exposure to the sector. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost only 0.24 points, a percentage change of 0.00, to stay steady at 12,423.25. The technology-heavy Nasdaq gained 7.48 points, a percentage change of 0.31, to close the day at 2,445.68. The broader Standard & Poor gained 0.26 points, or 0.02 percent, to close at 1,413.10. The American Stock Exchange Composite Index gained 1.47 points, or 0.07 percent, to close at 2,099.99. The New York Stock Exchange Composite Index lost 19.50 points, or 0.22 percent, to close at 9,021.62. The Russell 2000 gained 1.44 points, or 0.19 percent, to close at 778.43.