The Minister of Culture and Information, Iyad bin Ameen Madani will open next Saturday the Information Center at Marriott Hotel in Riyadh. The Center is set up by the Ministry of Culture and Information for the media men, who will cover the 27th session of the Supreme Council of the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to be held in Riyadh. Also, Iyad Madani will open a GCC Information Exhibition, which is to be organized on the fringe of the two-day Summit meeting. The Exhibition contains books, publications and photos projecting aspects of the process of development and progress in the GCC countries. In a statement to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), the Under Secretary for External Information Dr. Saleh Al-Namlah said that the Ministry prepared a cultural program for the media men, who are covering works of the session. "The program also includes a visit by the media men to King Fahd Cultural Center and other prominent landmarks of the city of Riyadh," he added. He noted that the Ministry has intensified its efforts toward facilitating the task of the media men.