Lebanese information minister Ghazi al-Oreidi has urged the Arab media to properly address others. Al-Oreidi, who was speaking here last night after the dinner party held in his honor by minister of culture and information Iyad Ameen Madani, said the media institutions should play the required role for correcting misleading ideas and impressions about the Arabs. Moreover, al-Oreidi underscored the significant role that could be played by the Arab media in confronting the economic, social and political challenges as well as in the process of reform in the Arab world. 'Media has become and effective weapons', he added. Al-Oreidi expressed happiness for visiting Riyadh-based King Fahd Cultural Center, and hoped that such centers would be established throughout the Arab world. The dinner party was attended by a number of ministers, members of the Shoura (consultative) Council, officials and editors-in-chief of the local newspapers.