The general conference of the Arab League Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ALESCO) approved yesterday the Saudi proposal pertaining to the improvement of the standard of the Arabic Language at all educational stages in the Arab countries. The general conference urged ALESCO's Director General to cooperate with the Arab Bureau for Education in the Gulf States (ABEGS) in the implementation of the Saudi proposal. On the other hand, the general conference approved formation of a committee comprising representatives of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Untied Arab Emirates (UAE), Tunisia, Syria and Egypt to follow up the efforts of the Arab Ministries of Education for the development of the educational curricula. Meanwhile, the general conference welcomed the other Saudi proposal pertaining to the establishment of a non-governmental commission for educational evaluation, and asked ALESCO's Director General to arrange for a meeting of experts so as to pave the way for the establishment of the aforesaid commission. --more 1124 Local Time 0824 GMT