Japanese stocks soared Thursday, bolstered by the yen's fall against the dollar and overnight rallies on Wall Street, dpa reported. The benchmark Nikkei 225 Stock Average gained 390.32 points, or 2.32 per cent, to end at 17,210.05 while the broader Topix index was up 24.31 points, or 1.8 per cent, at 1376.32. Overnight, the benchmark Standard & Poor's 500 Index booked its biggest one-day gain in 14 months, after US Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen said the central bank was unlikely to raise near-zero interest rates before April. On currency markets at 3 pm (0600 GMT), the dollar traded at 118.47-48 yen, up from Wednesday's 5 pm quote of 117.40-41 yen. The euro was quoted at 146.23-26 yen, down from 146.31-35 yen late Wednesday.