Japan's benchmark Nikkei 225 Stock Average soared 2.9 per cent Friday, buoyed by the yen's sharp fall against major currencies, dpa reported. The Nikkei gained 416.06 points, or 2.93 per cent, to end at 14,607.54 while the broader-based Topix index was up 28.77 points, or 2.43 per cent, at 1,210.6. For the week, the Nikkei rose 6.67 per cent and the Topix was up 4.97 per cent. Export-linked stocks traded broadly higher after the yen hit 100 yen to the dollar overnight in New York for the first time in four years. The Japanese currency has dropped about 25 per cent to the dollar since November. A weaker yen makes Japanese goods more competitive overseas and improves repatriated revenues. On currency markets at 3 pm (0600 GMT), the dollar traded at 100.98-99 yen, up from Thursday's 5 pm quote of 98.83-84 yen. The euro was quoted at 131.71-73 yen, up from 130.13-17 yen late Thursday, and at 1.3041-3043 dollars, down from 1.3167-3168 dollars.