Aiban pointed to the manipulation of vast financial and economic resources for human development, creation of jobs and enhancement of services including education, health and social services. He also drew the attention that at the international arena, Saudi Arabia's government has provided support for many countries within the context of bringing about a new international economic system that boosts human rights through the provision of soft loans, generous donations for needy countries and creation of job opportunities to expatriates in the Kingdom coming from all over the world. In this regard, the Kingdom has adopted a number of structural reforms and organizational initiatives to guarantee the rights of expats, citing the recent household workers regulations, the protection of wages program, and the establishment of a national center for expat complaints, Dr. Al-Aiban said, adding that some nine million workers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia managed to transfer more than $ 39.5 billion. to their countries in 2013, an increase of 18% than the previous year, thus contributing to development processes in their countries. He confirmed his country's commitment to protect and enhance human rights and show cooperation with the UN mechanisms, led by the Human Rights Council and enhance cooperation with the Supreme Commissioner for Human Rights in light of the memo of understanding signed by the Kingdom. He cited the first step of this cooperation as a training program on the international mechanisms for human rights were held in Riyadh last week and more specialized programs will be held in future to upgrade the awareness of personnel working in the field of human rights.