Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States, Dr Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani opened here today, a seminar entitled "Achievements of the GCC Countries in Field of Human Rights'', in the presence of a number of members of the legislative councils; officials of ministries of justice; heads of competent agencies concerned of human rights in GGC Countries and human rights specialists. The seminar is organized by Legal Affairs Sector of the GCC General Secretariat. Dr. Al-Zayani said that the international community has sought to intensify its efforts towards the promotion of human rights in several ways by taking the international resolutions, as the United Nations General Assembly's resolution for 2006 on the establishment of Human Rights Council in Geneva and the enactment of international treaties, conventions and their thereof mechanisms. He stressed that the GCC States were not absent from these efforts and have effectively contributed to reinforce the concepts of human rights and their protection through their fixed positions in defending human rights at international events and their support of all efforts to promote human rights standards, guided, in this regard, by the principles of "our Islamic religion", noting that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates are still members in the United Nations Human Rights Council since its inception in 2006 until the present time.