Japanese shares jumped 2.3 per cent Monday for the second straight day of increase as export-linked issues were bolstered by the yen's sharp fall against major currencies, according to dpa. The benchmark Nikkei 225 Stock Average gained 350.35 points, or 2.3 per cent, to end at 15,650.21 while the broader-based Topix index was up 19.49 points, or 1.58 per cent, at 1,255.32. The nation's economy grew at an annual rate of 1.1 per cent in the July-to-September period, revised down from an initial estimate of 1.9-per-cent growth, the government said. On currency markets at 3 pm (0600 GMT), the dollar traded at 103.07-11 yen, up from Friday's 5 pm quote of 102.13-15 yen. The euro was quoted at 141.25-28 yen, up from 139.49-53 yen late Friday and at 1.3704-3705 dollars, up from 1.3658-3660 dollars.