Managers of international news agencies today launched a photo exhibition on the fringes of the IV News Agencies World Congress (IV-NAWC). The exhibition displays 108 collections reflecting the professional skillfulness of news agencies photographers while on duty. Abdullah bin Fahd Al-Hussein, President of the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), and President of IV News Agencies World Congress (IV-NAWC), currently ongoing at Riyadh Ritz Carlton, guided the gathering, briefing them on the contents of the diversified occasions which had a record in history through specialist eyes of their photo colleagues. SPA alone displayed 43 photographs taken by highly-qualified and sensitive shooters covering cultural, legacy, economic, nature, developmental and sports events and occasions inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, most of which have been awarded local and foreign prizes. As many as 25 Arab, regional and international news agencies portrayed 65 photographs taken by their cameras covering different international events, in the fields of constructional development, folklore, nature and sports. In addition to SPA, news agencies from Algeria, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Britain, Canada, China, Cyprus, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latin America, Lebanon, Mongolia, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Somalia, South Korea, Trinidad, Tunisia, Ukraine and Yemen took part in the exhibition.