General Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Member States condemned strongly Hezbollah's blatant intervention in the Syrian crisis. In a statement issued today, GCC General Secretariat said: "As GCC strongly condemns the blatant interference of Lebanese Hezbollah in the Syrian crisis and its consequent killing of innocent civilians, it considers that Hezbollah's participation in shedding the blood of the brotherly Syrian people revealed the nature of this party and its real objectives which surpassed the borders of Lebanon and Arab homeland," The Council also stressed that "Illegal interventions of Hezbollah and the heinous practices of its militias in Syria, would harm its interests in the GCC's member countries, and that the GCC Ministerial Council decided to consider action against any members of Hezbollah in the GCC countries, both in their residency or their financial and trade transactions," "GCC also calls on the Lebanese government to assume its responsibilities towards the behavior of Hezbollah and its illegal and inhuman practices both in Syria and the region." the statement said.