interference in the internal affairs of other states and the pursuit, wherever possible, of peaceful resolutions of disputes as well as support for just causes and international security and stability. In recent years, the UAE's foreign policy has displayed farsightedness, with active steps being taken, both regionally and internationally, to build an extensive network of common interests with the rest of the world and to serve national development, the exchange of expertise and technology transfer and other mechanisms which serve national interests and the economy. The UAE has diplomatic relations with 183 countries in six continents. It has 68 embassies, 9 consulates and 3 permanent missions overseas. In the UAE, there are 99 foreign embassies, 75 consulates and 15 bureaus for international and regional organizations. Upon the establishment of the UAE Federation in 1971, only the United States, the United Kingdom and Pakistan had embassies in the UAE. --MORE