Tarwiya, the day pilgrims are starting the journey to Arafat from Mina on the outskirts of Makkah, until the end of Hajj rituals. A round-the-clock live coverage will be transmitted on the First, Second, News, Cultural and Economic channels in addition to live transmission through the Holy Quran and Sunna channels from the Grand Mosque and Prophet's Mosque. The Engineering Affairs department is in fact the lung through which the broadcasting and television stations are breathing. The engineering crew are those who equip the broadcasting studios in the holy places and link them with their headquarters in Riyadh, Jeddah and Makkah. They also make ready the television message relating to Hajj on ground transmission from Arafat and Mina. The Internal Information Department controls publications to the pilgrims or those carried by pilgrims inside. A crew of 188 will fulfill this job at the Kingdoms inlets and outlets. Three supplements consisting of 20,000 copies will be issued by the department addressed to pilgrims in Malayan, Persian and French languages. Distributed at the Kingdom's inlets, airports, hotels, travel agencies, relevant governmental bodies, the publications give guidance and necessary information to pilgrims.