I am writing with regard to the post “Cost of performing Haj and Umrah should be investigated” (Aug 4). We, the Muslims in Bangladesh, are also experiencing the same problem. Every year the costs are increasing enormously with various reasons being cited, such as airfares, housing, visa fees, Haj fees in Saudi Arabia, registration, insurance, hotel, transport and so on and so forth. We feel that the appropriate authorities, both in Saudi Arabia and the countries from which pilgrims come, should initiate an investigation in order to eliminate fraudulent increases by the Haj agencies and relieve the Guests of Allah from additional costs. Rafiqul Islam, Online response It is very sad to see the increase in the cost of performing Haj and Umrah. In fact, the visa charges here in the UK have gone up now to £120 per person and yet the visa stamp says free. The airfare is very high as are hotel charges yet the services provided are of a low standard when compared to those in Europe. All in all, the high cost of performing Haj and Umrah is totally unjustified. It is not at all fair to make money from pilgrims. MHK, Online response