Saudi Gazette report JEDDAH — The municipality is concerned that the general public is polluting the city's parks by smoking, littering and barbecuing irresponsibly, Al-Madinah reported. Jeddah Municipality spokesman Mohammad Al-Bugamy said there are 540 parks in Jeddah and it is the responsibility of visitors as well as the city to maintain them. He said: “Despite the non-smoking and littering signs, people are polluting the parks with their negligence and misconduct. “We do not have enough officers monitoring the parks around the clock and we do not have any penalties for those who smoke or litter.” He added parks are an open space that “welcomes all classes and categories of society”. He said: “There are also a lot of teenagers motorcycling in parks who pose a grave danger to children and senior citizens. “We also don't have any regulations against people offering rides on ponies and horses when that could also be endangering people and ruining the parks.” Resident Ahmad Al-Jihani said parks are the best place for a family outing as they are open and free. “Parents can sit, relax and enjoy nature while the children can run about and play. “The playgrounds are also very convenient and a good and healthy entertainment for the children. “I think it is hard to ban families from barbecuing because there is no other place to do that and restaurants are very expensive.” Agricultural engineer and consultant Niveen Afifi said the parks available at the moment are too small and contained. “We need bigger parks that are open for children to run around. Parks should also have certain facilities such as a walkway and a safe playground. “As for barbecuing, the parks should have a designated area away from the greenery so the smoke won't kill the plants.” She added parks also need maintenance as negligence could turn a green area into a dumping ground where rats and insects with infectious diseases gather.