RIYADH — Imam Abdulrahman Al-Faisal Hospital in Riyadh celebrated the International Nurses Week on May 11-13 with the theme “Nurses: A Force for Change: Care Effective, Cost Effective”. As part of the celebrations, all staff nurses took part in a competition where they were asked to define and express their understanding of the profession through poster making and essay writing. Led by Frencel Hannah Doton and Divya Narendran of the Nursing Education Department and under the able guidance of Head of Nursing Supervisors Mary Jane de Guzman, the three-day event comprised activities that not only stimulated the minds of the staff nurses but also promoted their camaraderie, creativity and teamwork. Doton said the hospital's Nursing Department changed “a whole lot” since it opened on Oct. 19, 2012. “Despite the difficulties of the workplace and professional hardships, the staff nurses challenged themselves to do better to achieve their mission, which is providing efficient and effective patient care,” she said. Doton said the International Nurses Week is the time to celebrate God's gift to people — the angels in the sickroom. The final day marked booth-preparations and an awards ceremony, which was the highlight of the three-day celebrations. Staff nurses from different units prepared dishes for patients, visitors and other hospital personnel, which were served in the institution's main reception area. Hospital Director Dr. Ateeq Mohammad Al-Gharni and Fatima Ibrahim Ath-Diab of the Nursing Directorate in Riyadh Health Affairs distributed the awards. A plaque for the Best Nurse was presented to Michelle Lou Febrero. The pediatric ward received the Best Area award. The Labor and Delivery Department won the award for the best poster while NICU/PICU staff nurses won the essay-writing prize. — SG