Director of Administration, Health Affairs in Jeddah Dr. Sami Badawood is planning to open the first session of the Patient's Health Safety Course on Saturday at Ibn-Sinaa hall in the Studies and Training Center in Jeddah's Health Affairs. “More than 100 nurses are going to attend the course, as most of them have been nominated from thirteen of the Ministry of Health's hospitals in Jeddah,” said Samir Khodnana, Director of the Comprehensive Quality Control department at administration. Khodnana said the course would include several regions in Jeddah's jurisdiction, such as Rabigh, Athm and Al-Laith. “Our aim is to increase the nurses' awareness about the best ways to take care of the patients, and to teach them healthy nursing procedures built on scientific proof,” added Khodnana. “Such courses will play an effective role in reducing medical errors within the roles of nurses.” The latest studies, newest results and the most improved research will be the main references in the course, he added. “We are going to discuss all issues that can insure the patient's health,” said Khodnana, “such as avoiding inaccuracy in giving drugs, and infant mix-ups, which are considered nursing errors.” This course is considered the first of its kind in Jeddah, but the Ministry of Health is planning to hold several such courses that would involve all government hospitals. __