With regard to the article "Fundraising drive for injured Indian student gathers pace" (Mar. 24), there are two "i's" in "fundraising" and they should stand for inspiration and innovation, not imitation and irritation. Indians in Jeddah have shown their strength. What a marvelous expression of generosity in support of this great cause by the Indian community. It is an accord of solidarity. This commitment as a collective measure is incredibly helpful and allows the parents of the victims to receive the necessary financial and emotional support. I salute the Indian community in Jeddah. Mohammed Abdul Mohsin, Online response It is very said news to learn that Lloyd Cheruvathur Samson is no more, and our prayers are with his family. We also salute the community which is participating in the fundraising drive to help the victims of the car crash. It is great to know that people are concerned for others who are in need. This is the time to raise money and stand by those in need and not let them feel alone and helpless.Yes, there are people who believe in humanity and this is the time they can prove that humanity is alive. Thanks to all and salute to all. Asif Khan, Online response