A well-functioning air conditioning system is crucial for any car, especially in the scorching summer heat of the GCC. This is why Renault Saudi Arabia is offering its customers an exclusive 25% discount on AC maintenance parts and 20% off labor costs through its current AC Maintenance Campaign. This offer will continue until May 31st 2014 and applies to all Renault car models available in the Kingdom. To benefit from this offer, register at Renault's digital platform www.myrenault-me.com, which was created to provide specially tailored services for all Renault owners in GCC. This digital platform offers a number of services to all registered customers, such as access to important information and documentation about their cars as well as enhanced customer interaction and experience with local dealers. It also informs Renault owners on how and when to service their cars. Renault boasts unique air conditioning systems installed with the latest technology. Amongst the various features are the air filters that remove all dust and pollen particles before entering the cabin and maintains clean air for a healthy and dust free driving experience. This is a vital feature to meet the challenges of the Arabian Peninsula's climatic conditions. Once again, Renault KSA is delighted to offer its outstanding post purchase services through its seasonal after sales maintenance campaign. The company always puts the customer first and continually strives to enhance customer satisfaction and total ownership experience. Visit any GAA (Gulf Advantage Automobiles) service centers in Riyadh, Dammam, or Jeddah or call at 800-2445050.