MUMBAI — Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan recently declared that he is meeting up with the makers of Welcome Back, a sequel to the 2007 blockbuster Welcome, to discuss the possibilities of starring in the film and now, buzz has it that Big B's contemporary Rekha too might star in the film. Director Anees Bazmee, while confirming the news, said that producer Firoz Nadiadwala has bounced the idea off Rekha and that he will be meeting both Bachchan and Rekha in a few days to discuss the project. Reportedly, the makers want Rekha to play a fashionista in the film, whereas Big B will don the role of a veteran underworld don. Welcome Back also stars John Abraham, Shruti Haasan, Anil Kapoor, Nana Patekar and Paresh Rawal. The movie, which goes on floors next month, has been in the news over the final cast and crew for quite some time now. — Agencies