To learn how you can protect your skin, you must know the internal composition of the skin: The skin consists of three layers: 1 - The outer protective layer: A surface layer which is visual skin layer that protects the skin from the outside and accompanied with inner layer which bears the impact of cosmetic products such as topical creams and lotions. 2 - Inner skin layer: It is the middle supportive layer, this is a thick layer and contains collagen, which gives skin firmness and the ability to provide resistance and has elastin, which gives the skin softness and flexibility while natural substance such as antioxidants works in this layer. 3 - Deep layer: It is the object under the inner layer and protects vital organs from harmful external factors. Skin Protection: There are two of the most popular antioxidants, which offer skin protection. They are vitamins (C) and (E). Antioxidant extracted from grape seeds contain 20 times the vitamin E and 50 times more vitamin C. A report, which was published in the winter of 2003 in the Journal of Medicinal Food, said that grape seed extract can protect the body from sun damage. The sun's rays cause wrinkling of the skin, pigment changes and cancer. Researchers in the Journal of Medicinal Food has acknowledged that improvement in the appearance of the skin attributed to grape seed extract is associated with collagen support. This is fundamental for healthy skin, as well as to maintain the health of skin cells and flexibility as antioxidants found in grape seeds and vitamin C protect the skin from sun damage, pollution, cigarette smoke and even stress. In addition, the material Lycopene extracted from the tomato leaves its impact as a strong antioxidant. And because it is sometimes difficult to obtain a fresh grape or tomatoes, so required quantity for skin health has been extracted and put it in the form of easily absorbed supplements. Treatment of dark spots become the easiest because the treatment starts from the interior skin layers and not only the removal of pigmentation of the outer shell of the skin as most of the cosmetical creams do. These antioxidant extracts are natural and safe alternative. Studies published in 2004 have shown that after three months of treatment through the oral form of grape seed extract it eradicate dark spots significantly. Treatment of dark spots and skin pigmentation: Dark spots is a facial skin pigmentation result of hormonal fluctuations and exposure to sunlight. It is also due to the use of cosmetics that contain chemicals that damage the skin over time and it is known that this kind of pigmentation can cause embarrassment and reduces skin beauty and give an unhealthy look. A famous method for the treatment of dark spots either through skin Peel which is painful and expensive while it can also scratch the skin and cause invisible meanders which requires re-peeling in the same way multiple times. In addition to multiple benefits of grape seeds and tomatoes, the revolution of beauty is about strengthening the collagen in the skin. For example the Biomarin complex contains proteins, which is naturally present in human skin and it supports the interior skin layers and increases the density. Biomarin is extracted and prepared in easily absorbed form of by the skin in food supplements. The following points sum up how to sustain skin beauty without makeup: • Avoid the sun's harmful rays and especially for those who put their make-up in morning. • Be sure to maintain the skin's moisture to avoid dryness by drinking a large amounts of fluids (water), especially. • Reduce the use of cosmetics that are harmful to human skin because they contain harmful materials that help to keep makeup on the skin. References: • University of Maryland Medical Center: Grape Seed • National Cancer Institute: Antioxidants and Cancer Prevention • “Journal of Medicinal Food”; Polyphenolics in Grape Seeds ...; J. Shi, et al; Winter 2003