RIYADH – Etihad Etisalat (Mobily) has exclusively introduced “WhatsApp" application packages. It is the first of its kind in the region which allows Mobily's subscribers to enjoy “WhatsApp" features through weekly and monthly packages with a low and fixed prices. The innovative package came after a cooperation agreement with “WhatsApp Inc." which gives Mobily the exclusivity to launch “WhatsApp" packages in the Kingdom, said Mobily in a statement Friday. The company added that the new packages will be offered to all its postpaid and prepaid subscribers. Mobily clarified that this agreement is the first kind in the region where non Mobily connect users can activate a monthly package of SR20 through sending the activation code 211 to 1100, customers can also subscribe in the weekly package of SR10 by sending the activation code 210 to 1100. However, a monthly package of SR15 is offered to Mobily's connect bundle subscribers by sending the activation code 213 to 1100. Also a monthly package is offered to all data line subscribers by sending the activation code 212 to 1100 with a SR15 monthly fee. “WhatsApp" application is considered one of the well-known applications worldwide, owned by “WhatsApp Inc." The application allows instant chat feature via smart phones through the Internet. – SG