Beware of fabricated Stories (Part 13) By Mohammed Aqil Fabricated stories are rapidly being spread amongst the Muslims by certain scholars who do not possess correct knowledge of Islam. In order to safeguard oneself, the easiest way to filter them would be to judge them on the basis of Qur'an and Sunnah. Allah said, “And with Him are the keys of the Ghaib (all that is hidden), none knows them but He. And He knows whatever there is in the land and in the sea; not a leaf falls, but he knows it. There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth nor anything fresh or dry, but is written in a Clear Record.” (Qur'an,6:59); and “Say: “The Unseen belongs to Allah Alone.” (Qur'an,10:20) Despite the above verses stated clearly, we hear strange practices and ideologies from different sects. It is stated in one of the fake stories, “Once one of the Abdal met Khidr and inquired from him whether he had ever met anyone among the saints whom he considered higher in rank than himself. To this he replied, ‘Yes, I have. I was present once in a Masjid in Madina, where I saw Hazrat Shaikh Abdur Razzak teaching Hadith to his students. On one side was a young man sitting with his head bent on his knees. I went to him and addressed him thus, ‘do you not see the gathering listening to the words of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Why do you not join them?' Without lifting up his head or turning in my direction the youth answered: “Over there you see those who listen to the Hadith from the mouth of Abdur-Razzak (the slave of the sustainer), while over here you see him who listens to Hadith directly from Ar-Razzak (Allah).” Khidr told him, “If what you say is true then you should be able to tell me who I am. Who am I?” He lifted up his head and said, ‘If my intuition does not fail me then you are Khidr.' Hazrat Khidr said, “From that I realized that among the saints of Allah there are such who are so exalted in rank that I cannot recognize them.” (Virtues of Hajj) This is a false belief! No one receives direct knowledge from Allah. This is one of the worst ways of corrupting faith. The “Wahee” was only sent to the messengers (peace be upon them)”. And gaining knowledge direct from Allah means communicating to Him,which is not possible – be it an Adaal or anyone. Moreover, gaining the knowledge of Ahadith is a very precious matter. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that Allah blessed the person who hears my sayings and conveys to others. (Tabrani) Another fabricated tale says that Shaikh Abu Yazeed Qurtabi heard from someone that whoever recites ‘La-Ilaha ill-Allah-Ho' 70,000 times, he/she would be immune from the fire of the Hell. He did this course for his wife and many a times for himself. Once, there lived a youth nearby who was known to have ‘Kashf'; he would know all about the events in Paradise and Hell. One day it so happened that while sharing a meal with him he suddenly made a loud cry and exclaimed that his mother had been cast into Hell. Qurtabi keenly observed the condition of the youth and decided to offer a course for his mother secretly, that except Allah no one would know about it. Now, even though he did it in secrecy, the youth soon found about it and expressed his sincere gratitude to the Shaikh. (F.Amaal) Thus, this man with ‘Kashf' is also aware of the matters between Allah and his slaves because that is why he showed his gratitude to Qurtubi, even though Qurtubi did it so secretly that nobody knew except Allah. Late Grand Mufti Shaikh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz (may Allah have mercy on him) said, “If Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who is the best of creation, and the pre-eminent amongst the descendants of Adam does not know the Unseen, then how can anyone else have priority?” [email protected] __