RIYADH – The ban on work under the hot sun will become effective Thursday June 15 (Ramadan 20th) and continue for 93 days, Al-Hayat daily reported. The Ministry of Labor and Social Development issues the ban every year, according to Khalid Aba Al-Khail, the ministry's spokesman. The decision states that no worker should be made to work under the sun from 12 noon to 3 p.m. All employers are required to take heed of the decision and ensure that an employee does not work under the sun during the prescribed hours. "The ministry strives to provide a safe and risk-free work environment for all workers and maximize safety precautions to reduce work injuries and accidents. This will reflect positively on the productivity level," Aba Al-Khail said. The decision does not cover certain governorates as mid-day temperatures there do not pose any risks to the workers. The ministry will coordinate with all pertinent authorities in all regions of the country and determine which region should, according to temperature and weather conditions, abide by the decision. The ministry reported a decrease in the number of violations of its decision in the past three years. In 2014 when the ban was issued for the first time, the number of reported violations was 3,904. The ban is force from June 15 until Sept. 15. Violators will face a fine of between SR3,000 and SR10,000, in addition to closure of business for 30 days. The ministry organizes campaigns to raise workers' and employers' awareness about the decision and distributes pamphlets explaining the decision and its effective duration. It also uses billboards to raise public awareness about the decision.