AFTER surviving an acid attack and undergoing 17 surgeries, India's Lalita Benbansi has got her own Bollywood story. The 26-year-old had been the victim of an acid attack in Azamgarh in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. In 2012, personal hostility led to Benbansi's cousins throwing acid over her. As a result, Benbansi underwent 17 surgeries to repair her burnt face. According to a recent report, Benbansi's love story with her husband Rahul Kumar started with a wrong number dialed accidentally. "I did not know a wrong number would change my life," said Kumar while appreciating the inner beauty of his wife. Since the incident, the love between the two bloom leading to the couple deciding to get married after two months. "I am feeling very happy. I had never thought that I would ever get married. He, even after knowing about the truth, still remained on his decision to marry me," said Benbansi. While praising his wife's inner beauty, Kumar noted that her heart is pure and that it is what matters the most. "It had always been my dream to do something different. I knew I would do something good. My mother supported me and my entire family. Didn't know a wrong number would change my life entirely," Kumar added. An NGO overseeing Benbansi's rehabilitation, Saahas foundation, is excited. Many from the film industry have also come forward to help the victim. In fact, actor Vivek Oberoi gifted Benbansi an apartment in Thane. Designer duo Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla have also prepared her attire and presented her with a wedding necklace. "I wish they stay happy together. He (Rahul) loves her truly. He was telling me that their love story is filmy. It was a wrong number and then they became friends. Now they are starting a new life. Lalita is a strong girl. I met Lalita when we had an awareness program held by Sahas foundation," said Vivek. Benbansi's treatment will now resume post her wedding. Vivek is known for his philanthropic acts. Recently, the actor had gifted 25 flats to the families of 25 CRPF personnel killed in Sukma attack. According to reports, Vivek had met Lalita at a function in March where he got to know about her problems and the fact that she was homeless. The actor reportedly promised her then that he will gift her a house.