{You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah. If only the People of the Scripture had believed, it would have been better for them. Among them are believers, but most of them are defiantly disobedient.}(Holy Qur'an, Chapter 3, verse 110) The very purpose of Da'wah is worship of the one true God and negation of the false gods; which has been conveyed through the Prophets and Messengers (peace and blessings be upon them all). This message is clear in the revealed book, the Holy Qur'an. The obligation of spreading Islam is on both the male and female Muslims. Both have to have the same characteristics a da'ee, or a caller to Islam, should possess. The only difference is the means to be used in their propagation. Even for women who are caretakers of the home, they have a role in giving da'wah as well. In order to achieve a goal, a woman must be very organised and have a routine. This will enable her to allocate time to become involved in da'wah work. Women of this era are well-educated and many are familiar with information technology. Online da'wah is a boon, and can be done from anywhere in the world. Whether it is sharing authentic information about Islam, holding online classes and seminars, or writing; all these and countless other means are a contribution to the da'wah effort. Establishing an online website or a monthly magazine is also favourable. One must not neglect the fact that our neighbours have more right to our da'wah and good character than the outsiders. Hence, women have an important role to play in upholding ties with their neighbours in order to promote the message of Islam. She can host get-togethers, coffee mornings, and classes within her own home to help spread the message of Islam. As far as the children are concerned, female da'ees can come together and establish a school or curricula or certain activities and programs aiming to inculcate good manners. Even within their own family time, women can educate their children about Islam. After all, mothers are the first teachers. Through play, a child can learn much about Islam, before he is even ready for school. These are some ideas which can be used to make females roles in da'wah moreeffective. In a remote village of southern India, a woman of three children began to read Islamic books from a city nearby as she would frequently visit. She then gathered her friends to read and study with her. Eventually, this group of 5 to 6 women, in search of true knowledge, moved to the city. After they thought they had acquired enough knowledge to convey to their people, they moved back to their home village and rented a room for teaching women. Gradually, women of stringent customs and traditions became more unbiased and unprejudiced. They began to understand the difference between culture and the true religion of Islam. They now have a higher purpose in their lives. A one room school later changed to a 200 room building with a special facility for the poor and orphan children. This is by the will of Allah and the sincerity of the women in search of light. Da'wah is not merely limited to face-to-face encounters. In this fast-changing world of technology, da'wah can even be done through social media. However, Islamic principles must be upheld in all situations and circumstances. Similarly, actions speak louder than words, and woman's modest character can speak volumes about the faith she upholds. Women have an ability to touch hearts and inspire change. No matter what other roles women may play, they are in essence teachers, educators, and da'ees in their own realm. "You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation."